• Viaplay Film - Halloween Stunt - Early "monster look" style frame - I opted for an "in the lab, behind glass" type of creepy creature effect.

    Early "monster look" style frame - I opted for an "in the lab, behind glass" type of creepy creature effect.

  • Early "monster look" animation test - bringing it to life, tentacles and all.

  • Viaplay Film - Halloween Stunt - Moving to a creepy graveyard headstone treatment.

    Moving to a creepy graveyard headstone treatment.

Viaplay Film - Halloween Stunt

Early and then final designs for a Halloween stunt on Viaplay Film. The early plan was to create a 'Vecna from Stranger Things' style type treatment, however once down that road it was deemed a bit too scary for the viewers.

The final design was a graveyard headstone treatment, with crumbling stone, and creepy dead trees.

Created in C4D + XParticles and rendered in Redshift.